
28 - Virginia Griswold—Harnessing Materials with Memory to Convey the Ephemeral by Vivian Liddell

As a mold maker/caster I'm always thinking about sequences of objects and thinking about repetition of objects and the arrangement of things in a way that one object relates to another has been important to me for a long time, I think. So, I think objects all offer individually something to a conversation, but it's often as a collective. They come to be sort of greater than the sum of their parts in terms of conceptually what it could mean. So in this case the fragments are important I think to me in terms of communicating fragility—even sort of an ephemeral quality. There's maybe a question in these objects about if they're finished or if they've been broken. You know, the thing about clay—and actually glass is similar, textiles is similar—the material has a memory. It sort of has a sense of... it carries with it what's been done.

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4 - Betsy Greer on Craftivism, The Power of Affirmations & Those Pussy Hats by Vivian Liddell

Betsy Greer on handmade crafts as activist tools:

First you kind of wonder, like, what is it? Someone made this? You can talk about the act of making and then segue into more difficult things if you want, and then if it's getting bad you can tiptoe right back out and then talk about the craft. So it's a gentler way of talking about hard issues.

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