
22 - Corrina Sephora—Turning Midnight dreams into Reality by Vivian Liddell

Corrina Sephora on being persistent:

But I really wanted to work for this old blacksmith guy in Castleberry and he said I'd hire you IF I had this extra work— so come back next week. So, I'd go back every week and I'd say "Hi. I'm back. Do you have some work for me yet? … I'm kind of persistent pretty much and he said ... "Well, you know. Why don't you come back next week and we'll have some work for you." And he said he didn't think that I would ever go away. He thought he was better off just getting some more work and hiring me to come work with him 'cause I clearly wasn't going away. Right? Because I heard a "no" in there somewhere, but mostly I (heard), "Yeah, you're talented. You've got great skills. I'd love to teach you. You'd be helpful in the shop." … IF... I didn't hear that "no." So... I try not to be annoying with that persistence—but maybe it's annoying sometimes—but maybe it works out.

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